Glancing at the front cover, you could be forgiven for assuming you have just flicked past yet another early 80s record company sampler, a collection of mismatched tracks chosen by the not-so-hip uncle of the work experience kid and trotted out in a vain attempt to generate some (in this case) CBS buzz.

You flip it over, because studying both sides of an LP sleeve is a habit hard to break, and find your worst expectations confirmed. A soppy ballad, a fading retro-rocker, The Nolans.. sigh.

Side two is better. Mi-Sex were an above average synth pop band from Downunder and the Mike Oldfield cut is a nice surprise (unlike his politics, which are a sad abomination). Fans of German Caribbean club faves Goombay Dance Band would be tickled by their appearance on such a prestigious compilation* while Men At Work close things out with the mischievous “Be Good Johnny”.

Still, it’s not enough to tempt you into a purchase is it? Unfolding the sleeve to check out more flat record company promo photos will complete the ritual, so you open the gatefold.

Wow! Didn’t expect that.

Vertical turntables!


Vinyl ghetto-blasters!

I want them all, don’t you?

* Sadly, the Goombay Dance Band is as dreadful as the name suggests. Plodding pseudo-anthemic pap. Thank heavens Simon and Garfunkel’s live refresher of the Everly’s “Wake Up Little Suzie”** re-ignites the will to live.

** Actually written by Felice and Boudleaux Bryant and published in 1957.


  1. From when Sharp was sharp.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. gotta love that upright player
        Even with a system in every room in the house that matters, I’m sure I’d still find it difficult not to buy one if l saw it somewhere

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You bet. Likewise with those amazing spherical 8-Track stereos. Of course, then one would need to start buying 8-Track cartridges…

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Badfinger (Max) · · Reply

    I’ve never seen turntables like that…yes…yes I do want one!

    Liked by 1 person

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